Presenting a Petition to Protect Travel Advisors | May 5, 2021

Yesterday, I presented a petition on behalf of 24,000 Travel Advisors across Canada, who have gone a year without any revenue and without any targeted Government support.
To add insult to injury, they are now facing “commission clawbacks” from airlines. The same airlines that have asked the Federal Government to backstop them because of their own catastrophic losses due to the Covid Travel Restrictions.
These petitioners are asking the House to ensure two things: first, that any financial assistance to Airlines and their subsidiary Travel companies be conditional on protection of the Travel Advisors. Second, that any commissions already clawed back be repaid to these Travel Advisors in a timely fashion.
It was truly an honour to stand in the House today and present their appeal. I look forward to the Government’s response.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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