Press Conference about Iraq | Mar 31, 2023

Thank you to Rev. Majed El Shafie, from One Free World International, and Mr. Khassan F. Saka, the President of Windsor-based Integrative Canadian Group Organization, for joining me for our press conference at my office in Essex.

We had a positive time as we reported back about a recent trip to Iraq. This fact-finding tour was to better understand the needs of the community there and how they link to the needs of our community in Windsor-Essex and Canada. We had several good questions from the press and I appreciate those who showed up for this time.

Families in Iraq are intrinsically linked to families in Windsor-Essex and Canada. This specific community is filled with people who work hard and who have contributed to our country and region in so many positive ways. I hope that families can be re-united and those from Iraq who wish to come to our area and nation and help build our economy and work in those sectors we so desperately need people to work in will be welcomed.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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