Kingsville Highland Games a success at Jack Miner | June 24, 2023

Well over a thousand people attended the Kingsville Highland Games and enjoyed the layout of the event at Jack Miner’s Migratory Bird Sanctuary.

“The Haggis Hurl pitted county mayors against one another. Kingsville mayor Dennis Rogers moved the throwing line forward for Essex MP Chris Lewis while asking the crowd, “who wants 50-thousand from the federal government?”

“I’m gonna be pushing him for some funding,” Rogers said playfully. “I know I’m new to politics but I know how to play the game.”

Lewis ended up winning the event after breaking a three-way tie on the final throw of the competition.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Lewis said. “When people have smiles on their faces. That’s why we’re here. It brings community together.”

“We’re paying homage to the heritage of our town as well we have a bright future with this event being successful,” added Rogers.”

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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