Another promise to not keep | July 14, 2024

The Liberal government’s recent claim that they will meet our NATO spending commitment is yet another empty promise from Justin Trudeau. Despite a Defence Policy Update three months ago showing no path to 2%, Trudeau now makes this claim after being criticized at the NATO summit.

Over the past nine years, the Liberals have repeatedly failed our Canadian Armed Forces, missing every defence target and allowing $10 billion in funding to lapse. With only 58% of our forces ready to deploy and significant shortages in personnel and equipment, Canadians cannot trust this government to support our men and women in uniform.

Only a Common Sense Conservative government will stand with our troops and restore the trust of our allies that Trudeau has lost. We will make real and credible efforts to work towards meeting our NATO spending commitments, we will restore our proud military and ensure they have the equipment and resources they need to do their job to protect Canada and defend our freedoms.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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