We Did It | Oct 23, 2019

Friends, WE did it!

It has been such an amazing journey with you… a journey that has brought us to over 42,000 doors across the county… meeting the most fantastic folks of Essex and listening to their concerns… and NOW we get to bring those ideas and concerns to Ottawa… Essex is once again BLUE!

Humble in VICTORY, HUMBLE in defeat.

Thanks to the most amazing Campaign Team and all of my volunteers. Truly the best one could ever ask for. You have working tirelessly for months and I thank you.

This has been nothing less than a complete TEAM effort.

To the candidates who ran with me, my sincere congratulations on a clean campaign. I know that it is a huge sacrifice to run for public office… and I commend each and every one of you for running.

To Tracey Ramsey, thank you for your 4 years of service to Essex.

Essex voted for change. Voted for the direction of our future. I am proud to say that I am ready, and EXCITED to be your voice in Ottawa. I don’t take this responsibility lightly, and you have my word that I will represent our region with dignity, honesty and honour.

This election has never been about me… it has been about you, Essex, Ontario, Canada and the World.

So now, I roll up my sleeves and get to work. For our families, small businesses, seniors and YOU.

THANK YOU again for putting your trust in me.

Thank you for your dedication, your support and your friendship.

It has been an amazing journey, one that I will NEVER forget…

And rest assured… it is because of each and every of you that I have the incredible opportunity to represent Essex.

On behalf of my family, and my TEAM… thank you for helping to make this dream become reality… a DREAM to serve the residents of Essex once again, and a PASSION to LEAVE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE THAN I FOUND IT.

Today’s picture was from earlier today. Watch for my story on CBC Windsor.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

Constituency Office

Ottawa Office