Tax Tips for Canadians | Apr 13, 2020

I continue with my series of tax tips for the season as Conservatives have always worked hard to keep taxes low for hard-working Canadians.

We know that local business owners are the backbone of Canada’s economy. That’s why we successfully reduced red tape and made it more affordable for businesses to hire more workers. The Liberal government has since renamed and expanded the benefit.

Here is a list of some tax benefits that you can claim:

Canada Workers Benefit:
This benefit, introduced by the previous Conservative government in 2007, is a refundable tax credit that supplements the earnings of low-income workers to ensure they aren’t penalized for getting a job.
For those low-income working Canadians with a disability who face even larger barriers to workforce participation, the Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB) provides an additional supplement.

Canada Employment Amount:
The Canada Employment Amount provides most employees of the public and private sector (excluding the self-employed) with help to offset the cost of work-related expenses such as home computers, uniforms and supplies. If you qualify for this amount, you can claim up to $1,222 on your 2019 tax return.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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