Thank You Teachers For Helping Students Through These Challenging Times | Jul 18, 2020

This year has been an exceptional challenge for educators. We appreciate all their efforts to encourage and motivate their students to excellence.

Today, I want to recognize one special teacher, thanks to the nomination by Jamie and Sara Gault.

At the end of June, I received the following email:
“As parents of two children who attend Essex Public School, we can say that this year has been a challenge for all students, parents and teachers. We have endured the teachers strike, COVID-19, online schooling, as well as homeschooling.

We are writing you this letter of appreciation to one of [the] faculty members, Mrs. Kristy Doyle.

Our daughter Brooklyn was so excited when the school year first began last September to have Mrs. Doyle for her grade 3 teacher. As parents, we know each and every student is different, and special in their own ways. Mrs. Doyle had gone out of her way to follow up with her previous teacher, to work on techniques she could use specifically for Brooklyn. She put in the time and effort to call us, and to follow up about her on numerous occasions throughout the school year.

When the kids were not able to return to school after March break and had to start with online schooling and homeschooling. Mrs. Doyle was right there everyday putting up high fives to the students and doing her best to keep them all engaged with their studies.

Dear Mrs. Doyle,

You may have only a couple of experiences with exceptional teachers who are there each and every day to make a difference in a child’s life with education. Mrs. Doyle, you ARE that teacher. YOU have been a shining star through COVID-19 and have gone above and beyond your role as a teacher, to make sure that your students are still maintaining their education, in a way that has our child missing you every day. And for that, we are forever grateful.”

Chris Lewis MP

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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