PBO Report on CFR | May 23, 2023

The Parliamentary Budget Officer just released a report on the Clean Fuel Regulations, and the results are concerning! Brace yourselves, Canadians, because your wallets are about to take another hit.

Hold onto your seats because here’s where it gets worse. The combined impact of these two Trudeau carbon taxes will lead to an extra 61 cents for every liter of gasoline! Let that sink in for a moment. The first carbon tax already costs 37 cents per liter, and now they want to add an additional 17 cents per liter!

But that’s not all! The report also reveals that these taxes will shrink our economy, impacting our GDP by up to 0.3%. We can’t afford to let this happen!

Conservatives will axe these taxes and bring home affordability for Canadians.

We will protect our environment through technology, not taxes.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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