We need your help. | Feb 18, 2022

The Liberals are supporting the Emergencies Act it and they have 159 members.

We (the Conservatives) have 119 members and we are opposed.

The Bloc has 32 MP’s and they are also opposed.

The NDP has 25 MP’s say that they are “reluctantly” supporting the Liberals.

The Green Party has 2 MP’s and I am unaware of their vote intentions.

If you know an NDP, Liberal or Green Member of Parliament please contact them and respectfully ask them to vote against the Emergencies Act.

Please also consider calling the Prime Minister’s office and the NDP Leader’s office and respectfully ask them to reconsider their support for the Emergencies Act.

We need them to change their vote so please maintain respect for the staff answering the phone.

Prime Minister’s office: 1-613-992-4211

NDP Leader’s office: 1-613-947-0867

Green Party Leader’s office: 1-613 996-1119

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

Constituency Office

Ottawa Office