Helping Meals on Wheels | Dec 21, 2021

What amazing people we have serving our community.

This morning I was up early to start helping prepare food for Meals on Wheels at the Community Support Centre of Essex County.

Thank you for hosting me Tracey Bailey (CEO) and board members Laura Liebrock and Diana Lausch. So much hard work and love go into keeping so many people fed and providing an amazing array of services to the whole county.

The Community Support Centre provides adult day programs, community food programs, congregate dining, foot care, home support, meals on wheels, transportation services, virtual community services and the famous June 27 Miracle food drive along with so much more.

It was also great to hear that they are having success with moving some of their support online. Well done to all the team involved! I am so proud to have this centre in my riding!!

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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