September 2020 News

Heads Up: CERB is Taxable! | Sep 29, 2020

Did you know that CERB is Taxable? Canadians who received CERB will owe at tax time next year.

Start Saving now!

Happy National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day! | Sep 19, 2020

Click on the Image to See it in Full.


Firefighters’ National Memorial Day | Sep 13, 2020

Thank you to all firefighters who continue to serve in Essex, Windsor, LaSalle, Amherstburg, Lakeshore, Leamington and Kingsville and all across Ontario and Canada for your outstanding courage and commitment the community.


Meet Our Newest Intern, Kennan Benjamins | Sep 10, 2020

Meet our newest intern, Kennan Benjamins, on his first day with me in Parliament. Kennan is a recent graduate of Redeemer University with a double major in Politics and International Studies and Philosophy. Welcome to the team Kennan!


In Ottawa for the First Conservative Caucus Meeting with Erin O’Toole | Sep 9, 2020

Today I am back in #Ottawa and in my office on Parliament Hill for our first Conservative Caucus meeting with our new leader Erin O’Toole! Our team is excited, united and ready to get to work for Canadians in Parliament.

Visiting Excel Machinery | Sep 4, 2020

I visited Excel Machinery and got to witness another fantastic part of industry in Essex.

Thank you Dario for showing us around your hard-working business!

Grand Opening of the La Salle Zehrs  | Sep 4, 2020

This morning I was celebrating, with Marc Bondy, Mayor of the Town of LaSalle and many others, the Grand Opening of the new Zehrs in LaSalle! Over 200 jobs, quality food and even a donation of $5000 for the local food bank!!! What a great morning for LaSalle!!

Visiting Kehl Window and Door | Sep 3, 2020

Kehl Window and Door is a longstanding manufacturer in Essex County. They make some of the best doors and windows I have seen: all tailor-made to your request. Thank you, Richard Kehl for showing me around. You run a great business with a quality product!

Visit their Website

Anderdon Bee Company | Sep 3, 2020

Anderdon Bee Company is family run and has been buzzing with online business. It’s a great place to get your all-natural honey products ! I did just that this morning!

Visit their Website

Exploring the Heritage of Essex County | Sep 3, 2020

Today I was visiting the British Blockhouse, on Boblo Island, Amherstburg, that was restored through the efforts of Bill Brundage and donations and volunteers from the local community!  They have done an amazing job preserving this piece of Essex history!

Learn More

LaSalle Hangout For Youth | Sep 2, 2020

We are so pleased that LaSalle Hangout for Youth received Canada Summer Jobs funding this year! LaSalle Hangout is providing so many services for young people including giving groceries to families in need. If you know of a family in need in Amherstburg, Ontario or LaSalle , please contact them directly!

Visit their Website


Mainstreet Pharmacy Kingsville | Sep 2, 2020

Today, I spent time with Aaron Nixon hearing his concerns. It was great to see that Aaron has continued to keep his pharmacy open during the pandemic. Thank you to all our pharmacists that take care of our medical needs in the middle of current challenges!

Visit their Website

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

Constituency Office

Ottawa Office