February 2024 News

Talking Nuclear | Feb 27, 2024

Had an insightful meeting this morning with Bill Walker, President and CEO of the Organization of Nuclear Industries (OCNI). OCNI’s members employ more than 20,000 highly skilled and specialized people in Canada. I look forward to our continued conversations to help grow Canada’s skilled trades sector.

Letter to Minister Freeland | Feb 27, 2024

Supporting my constituents and all Canadians with Type 1 Diabetes. This disease hits close to home and I hope we can find a cure. Thank you JDRF Canada, for your research, advocacy, and support.

Click on the image to read in full.

Meeting with the Senator | Feb 26, 2024

Had a productive meeting with Senator Don Plett, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, this afternoon.

Thank you for your service to our democracy and for your advice.

Taxes going up | Feb 26, 2024

Heads up, everyone! Taxes are on the rise starting April 1st!
(NOT a joke!)

Click on the graphic to see it in full.

Pierre Poilievre in Windsor-Essex! | Feb 23, 2024

We had an awesome time last night at the Hunters Meet & Greet event in the City of Windsor where the future Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Poilievre stopped by! Justin Trudeau & the NDP have shown that they are coming for the firearms of every hunter and sport shooter. Common sense Conservatives will always defend the rights of responsible firearms owners. This was a fantastic event and thank you to everyone who came on out!

Let’s bring it home | Feb 23, 2024

Cut taxes so workers at Ground Effects in Windsor can bring home more powerful paycheques.

Let’s bring it home.

Rosati Construction | Feb 23, 2024

Workers at Rosati Construction want to help Canada build, build, build.

Let’s fix the budget to bring down inflation and interest rates and get projects built across Canada.

Windsor’s Centreline | Feb 23, 2024

The workers at Windsor’s Centreline keep our cars moving, buses rolling, and planes flying.

The common sense Conservative plan cuts taxes for workers so they bring home powerful paycheques.

Grand Opening! | Feb 23, 2024

It was a pleasure to attend the ribbon cutting and grand opening for Southern Chaarmzz Boutique here in Town of Kingsville.

Make sure you stop by when you get the chance and support local!



Only go to Stathis Grill if you’re looking for amazing Greek cuisine & the best company.

Pierre in Lakeshore | Feb 23, 2024

We really enjoyed having Pierre Poilievre visit us in Municipality of Lakeshore this morning. We saw the great team at Community Support Centre of Essex County in action, providing quality health and community services. Organizations like this and the incredible work that they do, only make our communities stronger!

Let’s bring it home!

Auto meetings | Feb 21, 2024

The Conservative Auto Caucus regularly meets with industry representatives to see what we can do to keep Canada strong in the auto sector. It was great to sit down with representatives from the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA), Canadian Automobile Dealers Association (CADA), and Global Automakers of Canada (GAC) to discuss key issues. We need to get Canada’s economy back on track, and Conservatives are ready to lead.

Auto Show | Feb 21, 2024


Had a fantastic day at the Toronto Auto Show! As the Chair of the Auto Caucus I am always impressed by the advancements in the auto industry. MP Dave Epp and I had the opportunity to see all the latest vehicles on display

BREAKING | Feb 21, 2024

Conservative motion calling Trudeau’s radical environment minister to the Transport & Infrastructure committee passes!!

Stay tuned, more to come on his “no more roads” policy.

University of Windsor | Feb 20, 2024

Always important to reconnect with the University of Windsor to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing future generations.

Thank you Marian Gayed, Associate Vice President External Relations, for a fantastic meeting!

IATSE | Feb 20, 2024


As the Shadow Minister of Labour it was exciting to connect with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the largest union in the entertainment business, about the importance of securing jobs while providing Canadian live performance entertainment for all.

No new roads?! | Feb 20, 2024

The Common Sense Conservatives on Transportation Committee have forced an emergency meeting tomorrow. Canadians need answers from the Liberal’s Environment Minister on his government’s out of touch “no new roads” policy he announced last week.

Click on the image to see it in full.

Free family day weekend skate! | Feb 18, 2024


Had a fantastic time today at the Atlas Tube Recreation Center in Lakeshore ON! It was wonderful meeting so many new faces and catching up with familiar ones. Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend.

Family Day Long Weekend! | Feb 16, 2024

Let’s celebrate family and the cherished moments we share with our loved ones. Whether it’s a cozy movie night, a delightful meal, or a fun-filled outing, make the most of this special day surrounded by family and friends.

And don’t forget to join me for a fantastic FREE public skate at the Atlas Tube Lakeshore Recreation Centre on Sunday, February 18, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. Bring your family and skates and come enjoy this event! See you there!

NATIONAL FLAG DAY | Feb 15, 2024

National Flag of Canada Day commemorates the official birth of the Maple Leaf Flag, installed on February 15th, 1965. Canadians celebrate the day by wearing red and white, raising their flag high and paying tribute to the big leaf!

Although Canada gained its independence from United Kingdom back in 1867, they continued to incorporate elements of the British flag into their own design. By the middle of the 20th century, Canada was well aware that its flag needed updating.

Valentine’s Day! | Feb 14, 2024

On this day of love, let’s celebrate the special bonds that warm our hearts. To my wonderful constituents and dear friends, whether you’re spending today with a significant other, family, or friends, take a moment to appreciate the love that surrounds you.

And a special shoutout to my wife Allison, the heart of our home. Your love and support mean the world. Wishing you all a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments!

Happy National Agriculture Day, Canada! | Feb 14, 2024

Today, we celebrate our resilient farmers and agricultural communities who sustain our nation, feed our families, and drive our economy.

Let’s honor their dedication, innovation, and hard work that ensure a prosperous future for Canadian agriculture.

Overdose deaths | Feb 13, 2024

One year post the Liberal-NDP drug decriminalization, BC reports record-high drug overdose deaths at 2,511. Dangerous drug costs drop by 70 to 95%, now the top cause of death, surpassing crime, accidents, and disease combined. Yet, the Liberal-NDP coalition persists, exacerbating the crisis. Common sense Conservatives will not give up on Canadians suffering from addiction. A Poilievre Government will bring home our loved ones drug free by giving them access to treatment and recovery, not more taxpayer-funded deadly drugs. Recovery is possible.

Charm and sophistication | Feb 10, 2024

It was a perfect day for an afternoon of “charm and sophistication” right here in the heart of Essex! I joined the other local “celebrity servers” at the Essex Train Station to serve tea at the 2024 Downtown Essex Tea Party.

Thank you to the Essex Arts, Culture and Tourism Committee for hosting such a beautiful event!

Trans Canada Trail | Feb 9, 2024

This initiative is a fantastic opportunity for both Canada and the United States, and certainly for our Region. It is a great success story show casing what is possible and the excellent benefits we can achieve when various stake holders work in unison for the greater good. The Gordie Howe International Bridge network will create and achieve huge economic benefits, enhance active transportation opportunities, all while enhancing and supporting our tourism industry, show casing all that Essex- Windsor have to offer. There is a lot to offer indeed! thank you to everyone involved for your hard work and dedication to our International region.

WCSLR | Feb 8, 2024

Great to meet with the Western Canadian Short Line Railway Association. This association represents 18 short line railways across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
As a member of the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, it is always good to hear from those in the industries that are directly affected by the legislation we review and the studies we conduct.

Skills Canada | Feb 8, 2024

I met with Dr. Patrick Rouble, President of the Board for Skills/Competences Canada. This organization’s mission is to “encourage and support a coordinated Canadian approach to promoting skilled trades and technologies to youth.” This is a very important initiative as there is an extremely high demand for skilled trades in Canada today.
The more young men and women who come into the trades will really help industry and Canada grow! We are excited to see the awesome things that Skills/Competences Canada continues to do!

Talking railways | Feb 7, 2024


Productive meeting with the Railway Association of Canada (RAC), CN, and CPKC, discussing current challenges of the rail industry.

Thank you for all you do as employers, movers of our supply chains, and boosters of our economy.

Seniors Social | Feb 7, 2024


My team and I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Emily Truman from Lakeshore and Pelee Island this week. Emily and her sister Madeline have received a micro grant from the GLOCAL Foundation of Canada for their “Pelee Island Legion Seniors Social” project. She is a woman of passion and compassion who is making a significant impact in her community. I can’t wait to see the places her ambition and vision take her!

Unconstitutional | Feb 4, 2024


Last week, the Federal Court ruled that Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

His abuse of power led to the violation of Charter rights and freedoms, frozen bank accounts, and a divided country.

BREAKING | Feb 1, 2024


Today in Infrastructure committee, Liberal MPs filibustered Dr. Lewis’ very important motion about government spending mismanagement. They ran out the clock and now we’ll have to pick this all up again on Tuesday.

Click the image to read the full text of our motion.

Liberal-NDP Coalition Have Failed Canadians | Feb 1, 2024


Common sense Conservatives will not give up on Canadians suffering from addiction. A Poilievre Government will bring home our loved ones drug free by giving them access to treatment and recovery, not more taxpayer-funded deadly drugs. Recovery is possible.

Click on the image to read the CPC statement. 

Black History Month | Feb 1, 2024


Throughout Canada’s history, Black leaders, innovators, and communities have made significant contributions to our national heritage.

As we celebrate Black History Month every February, let’s honor the trials and triumphs of Black Canadians and recognize their vital role in shaping our nation’s growth towards freedom and equality for all.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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