May 2022 News

Voting to End  Restrictions | May 30, 2022

Today I voted on a Conservative motion that would end the unnecessary federal restrictions caused by this government during COVID-19. 
Industry experts from a wide range of disciplines are calling on the government to drop travel restrictions.
I will continue to hold the NDP-Liberal government to account for these unacceptable delays.

With Invest Windsor-Essex | May 26, 2022

Good to be at the Invest WindsorEssex AGM tonight.
Thank you to the Invest Windsor-Essex team, and Stephen Mackenzie, for all you have done for our area. It is exciting to hear some of the details of the partnership between Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions for the battery plant that will be opened right here in our region. It was also great to meet representatives from both companies!

The Future Benefactors of my PMB | May 26, 2022

Thank you to Karl Lovett, IBEW Local 773 Business Manager, for the on-site meeting with electricians today.
It was great to talk through some of the details of my Private Member’s Bill, Bill C-241, with the people it will impact directly.

The Workers of Gordie-Howe | May 26, 2022

I had an awesome time meeting with workers at the Gordie Howe International Bridge construction site today. These workers are some of the most motivated and positive I have met. Workers have worked over 5 million hours, cumulatively, to get the work done and they seem to be enjoying the job so far. It is great to connect with the skilled trades as they literally build our future!
Thank you to all who came to say hello!

The Gordie-Howe International Bridge | May 26, 2022

I was blown away by the Gordie Howe International Bridge Project tour I took this morning. This site has seen so much progress even during the last few years. I was also impressed with the management and safety record so far. Thank you to Stephanie Campeau and Heather Grondin for organizing this time and to Jamie for downloading so much good information about the build so far… proud to have this happening in our region!!!

Lunch with the AMPA | May 25, 2022

Thank you to Flavio Volpe, President of Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) for todays lunch and networking time.
The auto industry in the Windsor-Essex region is looking forward to the new developments coming in the next few years and so am I.

Well done to all who attended today and for all your hard work for our area!!

Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus | May 25, 2022

Thank you to George Cornell and Gary McNamara, and all of the Wardens from the Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus for bringing to the MPs from the region your top four priorities: Housing, Workforce Development, Broadband Infrastructure and Mental Health! Thank you also to all my fellow MPs who brought some excellent comments and discussion to our meeting, this morning, with the Wardens’ Caucus.

Our Single Seniors and Unjust Tax Laws | May 24, 2022

Thank you to Jane and Katherine from Single Seniors for Tax Fairness – SSTF for bringing to light some of the injustices in our tax laws facing seniors who are single!

Once again we see the government taking way too much money from hard-working seniors!!

SWO Gleaners | May 24, 2022

Great to connect with Joel Epp at Southwestern Ontario Gleaners Food for all Luncheon in Leamington today. There must have been around 500 people present. It was also nice to see Mayor Richard J Meloche from the Town of Essex, supporting this great charity that sees support from across Windsor and Essex County. SWO Gleaners aim to send over 4 million meals around the world! Well done SWO Gleaners.

Housing Development | May 24, 2022

Thank you to Amico’s Dwayne Dawson for setting up a meeting about Bob-Lo Island’s new housing development with Jamie Di Laudo and Ryan Capogna.

It was useful to hear about the good things that are happening on the Island but also the challenges with the construction industry. The bottom line is we need more homes and Amico is one of many companies building them. Another issue that came up is the need for skilled tradespeople and training for them!

Victoria Day | May 23, 2022

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Enjoy this day to relax and spend time with family.

Click the graphic to enlarge it.

Diner Breakfast! | May 21, 2022

Just wanted to say thank you to this awesome group of people for our breakfast last weekend.

Thank you to those key supporters that came out, Anthony Leardi, and my colleague, Chris d’Entremont, Deputy Speaker of the House. Together, this group made for an excellent breakfast and conversation time!!! What a great way to spend your Saturday morning! 

Hearing from the CPAA | May 20, 2022

Thank you to the CPAA – ACMPA Canada Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) for meeting with me, in Ottawa, yesterday. It was a very good meeting. I was concerned when I found out that 445 members have been put on forced leave without pay, causing some post offices in communities to be shut down and others to work with only one person on staff. Thank you, Brenda McAuley, National President, for bringing this terrible situation to my attention. I look forward to more conversations on this and other issues.

Hearing About Important Labour Issues | May 19, 2022

Last week I met with the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada.
Thank you to Kevin Ernst and Ken Lancastle for bringing up some important labour issues with me. I appreciate these kinds of meetings as I get to hear the issues that really matter because I don’t know what I don’t know!

Mayors Luncheon | May 18, 2022

Thank you to Community Living Essex County for hosting the 16th Annual Mayors Luncheon. Loved the focus on the initiatives helping those in need in various ways. I hope to connect with those groups at a later date. I do appreciate all that the Municipal government leaders do for our area and I am committed to working with them as MP for Essex.
I also mentioned that now that my wrist has healed I am looking forward to giving Mayor Santos a run for his money in the next Apple Peeling competition!!

Breakfast with the Parliamentary Outdoor Caucus | May 17, 2022

The Parliamentary Outdoor Caucus is an excellent way for MPs to support all things hunting and angling and is open to MPs from all parties.
This morning’s breakfast was my first meeting as Co-Vice Chair of the Committee. Thank you to the Chair, Bob Zimmer MP, and the whole board for your welcome!!

A Conservative Win | May 16, 2022

This committee will provide an opportunity to hear from experts so that Canada is better prepared to counter threats from autocratic regimes, and defend freedom and democracy. This is particularly important in light of the autocratic pact between China and Russia signed just ahead of the Russian invasion of Ukraine which has threatened rules-based international order. Conservatives believe that Canada needs to stand up for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Conservatives believe the Trudeau government needs to take seriously the threat from authoritarian regimes, as recent events have made so starkly clear.

Thank you | May 16, 2022

National Police Week offers honor, remembrance, and peer support, while allowing law enforcement, survivors, and citizens to gather and pay homage to those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
Thank you to the men and women who serve our communities.
Click on the image to see it in full.

A Reception Event | May 15, 2022

Thank you Sukwhinder for opening up your home for a reception with Tim S. Uppal and Anthony Leardi. The Conservatives in the riding of Essex have some great friends!!
What a wonderful day.
Now back to Ottawa for another week of business!!

The Windsor Hindu Temple | May 15, 2022

Thank you to Tim S. Uppal for coming with me to the Windsor Hindu Temple to meet the wonderful community there. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen especially Nitin, Sukwhinder and Manbir. Thank you also to Anthony Leardi for coming along with us.

It was so good to meet with the Hindu people in my area and learn about their community.

Visiting the Sikh Gurdwara | May 15, 2022

Thank you to Tim S. Uppal for representing Pierre Poilievre and for Anthony Leardi for joining us at our time with the Windsor-Essex Sikh community at the Sikh Gurdwara.

It was a privilege to meet with these wonderful people. I learned so much.

Thank you to Sukwinder and Manbir for setting this up!!!

Walkathon in support of WLC | May 14, 2022

Today I attended the Windsor Life Centre Annual Walkathon where I presented Julie Hunter, Executive Director of WLC, with a Certificate in Recognition for their 9 years of service. They provide a safe haven, counseling, nutrition, treatment support, aftercare, and more for women recovering from addiction and trauma.
I also had the opportunity to meet Rhonda and her granddaughter who wants to grow up to become an astronaut!

Taiwanese Reception | May 12, 2022

Last night, I was able to join my colleague, Melissa Lantsman, MP Thornhill, at the Taiwan night reception to enhance Canada’s trade relationship with Taiwan.
Thank you for a great event.

Meeting Some Ukrainian Interns | May 12, 2022

Last night, it was an honour to speak in support of the Canadian-Ukrainian Parliamentary Program.
Welcome to Canada to all of the Ukrainian interns!

Demanding Passport Delay Answers | May 11, 2022

Please review the letter below that I have signed along with my colleagues. We have been demanding answers from Justin Trudeau and his government on how they are going to resolve the issues around the passport delays.
Click on the image to view the letter.

C-69 Declared Unconstitutional | May 10, 2022

This is good news!
More to come I am sure!
Click on the graphic to see it in full.

To our nurses: | May 10, 2022

I don’t think I would have survived without the care I received from our Nurses! All of you continue to play an important role in our health care systems across Canada.

Thank you for your dedication and service! You are simply amazing!
Click on the graphic to see it in full.

Learning from NPF | May 10, 2022

Today I met with Kenneth Bobby, Steve Madden and Ana Santarem from the National Police Federation (NPF) who represent the RCMP. I have even more respect for what the RCMP does for our communities and security across Canada after our meeting and will of course look into some of the requests NPF made today to see what can be done.

Thank you, NPF for your time and your work on behalf of the Mounties across Canada!

Happy Mother’s Day!! | May 8 2022

A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.
Have a great day to all the mothers out there!!!
Click the graphic to see it in full.

Touring the Canadian Transportation Museum in Kingsville | May 7, 2022

It was a privilege to take my colleague, Chris d’Entremont, on a tour of the Canadian Transportation Museum Heritage Village.
The vehicles are incredible but the stories are what make this experience unique.
If you haven’t been there lately, you really should go and check it out!

Art Challenge for Raising Awareness | May 6, 2022

The Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee
Windsor-Essex invites high school and post-secondary students to participate in an Arts Challenge focused on raising awareness for Sexual Assault Prevention Month.

Please see the graphic for more information.

Lowering the Federal Voting Age? | May 4, 2022

Bill C-210, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (voting age), introduced by MP Taylor Bachrach (NDP) proposes to amend the Canada Elections Act to lower the federal voting age in Canada from 18 to 16 years of age. It would begin to register future electors at age 14.
I just wanted to know your thoughts on this.

To Our Firefighters: Thank you! | May 4, 2022

Happy International Firefighters’ Day.
Thank you for your service and dedication!
Click on the images to see them in full.

Meeting Seamus O’Regan | May 3, 2022

It was a pleasure to meet with the Minister for Labour Seamus O’Regan this evening for an introductory conversation about issues for Labour across Canada and the world.
Thank you, Minister O’Regan, for working across the aisle to get things done for our Labour force.

Mental Health Week | May 2, 2022

This week is Mental Health Week.
Raising awareness is the first step. Reach out to someone that comes to mind this week and connect with them.
Click on the graphic to enlarge it.

Hogs for Hospice  | May 1, 2022

Honoured to attend the Blessing of the Bikes ceremony with my colleague MP Dave Epp – Chatham Kent Leamington today. The Hogs for Hospice kick-off was amazing, to say the least.
Thank you also to the Lutheran church and the Town of Kingsville for being such gracious hosts of this event. Please support Hogs for Hospice as you are able.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

Constituency Office

Ottawa Office