February 2023 News

Municipal and Federal together | Feb 24, 2023

Great to meet with Mayor Bondy about future developments for the Town of Essex.

Thank you to Deputy Mayor Rob Shepley Rob Shepley and CAO Doug Sweet for attending also.

One year of war | Feb 24, 2023

Tonight we gathered with the Ukrainian community from Windsor and Essex and we remembered the people of Ukraine as they have now been at war one whole year! They have shed many tears as they bury their dead but they still press on. The Ukrainian people are an example of resilience and strength. Tonight we pray for them and stand with them as they defend their sovereignty, freedom, and beautiful nation!

Do you think there was interference in the 2021 election? | Feb 21, 2023

The revelations from Top Secret intelligence and national security documents in the Globe are deeply disturbing and must be taken extremely seriously.

It is increasingly clear that Communist Party agents have been interfering in our elections. Justin Trudeau can no longer deny it.

Happy Family Day to all the amazing families across Canada! | Feb 19, 2023

Today we celebrate the importance of family and the love and support that we receive from our loved ones.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate and spend quality time with our families, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Digital ID | Feb 19, 2023

Thank you to those who reached out to express their concerns about Justin Trudeau’s government announcement on its federal Digital Identity Program. If you missed it, our Leader Pierre Poilievre said during his visit to Windsor-Essex, that if he were to be elected Prime Minister, he would not impose digital IDs. A Conservative government would not allow the imposition of a digital ID. Your personal health information is a matter between you, your doctor and other healthcare professionals. Conservatives respect and will work to protect the individual privacy rights of Canadians.

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day, Canada! | Feb 17, 2023

Today is the perfect opportunity to spread kindness and make someone’s day a little brighter. Whether it’s holding the door open for someone, paying for someone’s coffee, or simply giving a compliment, small acts of kindness can go a long way. Let’s make a commitment to spread kindness not just today, but every day. Let’s strive to make the world a better place, one small act of kindness at a time

National Caregiver Day | Feb 17, 2023

Today we celebrate Canada’s National Caregiver Day and recognize the selfless individuals who dedicate their time and energy to care for loved ones.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to improving the lives of those in need. Your hard work and compassion inspire us all!

Listening | Feb 16, 2023

I heard from leaders of Canadian based NGOs who serve to support various Iraqi minority groups today. They shared that many of the people they aim to help are displaced in Turkey, Syria, and beyond. Following the recent earthquake that occurred in those areas, they asked that the humanitarian aid and refugee support provided by the Canadian government be targeted to ensure it is effectively and fairly distributed.
Thank you for sharing!

Ending Modern Slavery | Feb 15, 2023

This afternoon I had the privilege of hearing from Kelly, founder and leader of Courage for Freedom, at an All Party Parliamentary Group to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Kelly is a survivor of human trafficking and her organization is dedicated to see the eradication of human trafficking and sexual exploitation of all persons. Their work is vitally important for the dignity of all people. They advocate for a unified, federal framework to end exploitation and aim to educate vulnerable populations of their worker’s rights.

Meet Luke! | Feb 15, 2023

I would like to introduce you all to our newest team member Luke.
Luke will be interning with us on the Hill for the next three months. He recently graduated from Trinity Western University with a degree in Business. I am excited to show him how
Canadian democracy works and to have his perspective on the team.
Welcome to the team, Luke!

Ag Day!! | Feb 15, 2023

Today we celebrate the hardworking individuals in Canada’s agriculture industry who work tirelessly to provide us with the food on our tables.

Agriculture Day is a time to recognize the significant contributions that farmers and agribusiness make to our country. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our rural communities and the importance of sustainable agriculture practices.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Canada! | Feb 14, 2023

Today we celebrate love and all the special relationships in our lives.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day filled with love and joy!

Engineers Canada | Feb 13, 2023

This afternoon I met with Gerard McDonald, Jeanette Southwood, and Joey Taylor from Engineers Canada. We talked about how we can improve safety in Canada’s labour force by requiring full licensure of all those working under the title of Engineer in all federal departments.

Thank you, Engineers Canada, for prioritizing standards and ethics in your industry!

Dinner with the Chaldean Community | Feb 10, 2023

Thank you to Adel Salman from the Chaldean community in Windsor for hosting Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the CPC, and guiding our discussion with some amazing Chaldean people. Thank you to Lianne Rood MP, Dave Epp MP, Andrew Dowey MPP, and Mayor of Windsor, Drew Dilkens for your attendance with us. Thank you to those present for expressing your support for Pierre and the future of Canada!

Discussion in LaSalle | Feb 10, 2023

Thank you Sukwhinder Wadhwa for opening up your home, once again, to the community in Windsor-LaSalle and Pierre Poilievre, MP Lianne Rood, MP Dave Epp and myself. What a great meeting and discussion!!

Another Tour Stop | Feb 10, 2023

Thank you to the team at General Gun & Supply Windsor for a great time with local legal firearm owners with Pierre Poilievre, Lianne Rood, Dave Epp and myself. We have recently overcome the amendments to Bill C-21 on hunting rifles but the Liberals still want more bans. Pierre is our hope for a change in this and so many other issues in our nation! Thank you for such a positive welcome today everyone who came out.

Mental Health services in Essex Region | Feb 10, 2023

Thank you Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor -Essex County team and Dr. Sonja Grbevski, CEO, for hosting me and Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the CPC, as we look into the need for increase in mental health services here in our region. Thank you CMHA Windsor-Essex for all the amazing work you do!

Pierre’s first stop on Windsor Tour | Feb 10, 2023

Thank you to Karl Lovett of IBEW Canada Local 773 Windsor for hosting the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, today with Unions from across our region. We had a great discussion as we plan to develop relationships with those who represent skilled trades across the nation. Great to have MP Dave Epp and Lianne Rood with us today. Thank you all for your contributions to our discussion!!

Tour with Elise | Feb 8, 2023

I had the privilege of hosting Elise Harding-Davis on a tour of the House of Commons in West Block. Elise is a well-known County of Essex author and historian. She is a highly sought after expert in Black Canadian Heritage and has had opportunity to speak across North America and overseas. Elise has been recognized through many awards for her work throughout the community. Most recently she was awarded the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the Order of Ontario. She brings a lot of knowledge and understanding to the table along with grace and wisdom. I always have a great conversation with Elise! Thank you Elise for the opportunity to spend quality time with you in Ottawa.

Meeting with CLC | Feb 6, 2023

This morning I met with the Canadian Labour Congress and we had a great discussion about the labour problems their many sectors are facing.
Thank you for making me aware of the gaps in the Labour market and the improvements needed as Canada’s working population ages and retires.

World Cancer Day | Feb 4, 2023

Today, on World Cancer Day, we come together to raise awareness and show support for those affected by this devastating disease. As a nation, it’s our responsibility to prioritize the health and well-being of our citizens and work towards a future free of cancer.
Let us continue to stand united in the fight against cancer and make a positive impact on the lives of those affected.

Trade show | Feb 5, 2023

It was great to meet with industry representatives this past Sunday in the Ottawa region at the Bowmac Gunpar Trade Show. While we can say we had a small victory when the Liberals pulled their C-21 amendments on Friday, we know they are going through further consultations and will look to try again. We know that firearms licensed Canadians are not responsible for the violence plaguing our cities, as licensed individuals are RCMP vetted, and go through stringent testing and background checks. Let’s focus our resources on stopping illegal guns from crossing the border, give more resources to our police forces to tackle gang crime, and stop the attack on law abiding Canadians.

Meeting with CIQs | Feb 2, 2023

I had a very informative meeting with the CIQS – Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors today. Thank you to Arif Ghaffur, Chair, and Antione Aurelis, Director, for the interesting discussion.
I appreciate your service in saving money on large scale government and private construction projects!!

Black History Month | Feb 1, 2023

Today, we celebrate and honor the contributions and achievements of Black Canadians during Black History Month. From the Underground Railroad to the civil rights movement, Black Canadians have played a vital role in shaping our country’s history and culture. Let us use this month as a time to acknowledge the ongoing struggles and celebrate the progress made towards equality and justice. Let us recommit to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Chris Lewis MP - Essex

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